
Farsky design and illustration
Farsky design and illustration

Oldrich is listed in the Chicago Blue Book Directory as being an artist with a business advertisement "Fine Oil Paintings and Water Colors" The business was located at 205 E 35th St. Census from Cook County (Chicago) His son, Aldrich is listed as being 5 years old.ġ904-1905 Oldrich has an ad in publication called "The Reform Advocate". Moulton Gallery in Chicago (The Inter Ocean, 8/29/97) Oldrich contributes to an Art Exhibition in Lincoln, Nebraska with "Cardinal Gathering Flowers" in which other Chicago artists also participate.ġ900 Oldrich appears in U.S. In 1978, this painting was owned by The State Historical Society of Colorado.ġ897 Oldrich has a painting entitled "The Medicine Gatherer" displayed at J.G.

farsky design and illustration

This is 5 years before Aldrich was born.ġ893 Oldrich moves to Chicago, Ill during the time of The World's Fair.ġ894 Finished painting of Gen William T Sherman wearing his G.A.R. Rone.ġ880's Had a studio in Carlsbad, Bohemia and traveled and painted in Italy, France and Hollandġ887 A 1920 Newspaper article states that Oldrich has been in America since this year.ġ890 Dated painting called "The Duck Pond" exists as earliest example of signed "O.Farsky" work I've found. Oldrich Farsky (b 1860 (Serbian Soil) d )Ĭ 1877-1879 Studied at the Art School in Prague, Bohemia under Director Von Svarts Prof Brozik, Prof E. So, it is my belief that the BIO has been wrong for some time. There is not one bit of evidence other than a mention in a book on California Artists that Aldrich was even an artist. Those dates match up to Aldrich Farsky who was Oldrich's son. Regardless of the name associated with the painting, everyone lists his birth as 1895 and death as 1968. Farsky" have been attributed to the following names:

farsky design and illustration

What is the confusion? I believe that Art books, reference sites, auction houses and art galleries have been providing and working from information that has been incorrect for decades.

farsky design and illustration

My research has led me to the conclusion that all paintings that are signed "O. Farsky was a Czech immigrant to the United States who was born in 1860 and died July 3, 1939. This piece is meant to clear up an issue with a listed artist whose name should be Oldrich Farsky.

Farsky design and illustration